Enrique Gran-Ramón Faraldo (1963)
Exhibition held in the South Gallery. Santander
Enrique Gran (Santander,1928, scholarship March 1960), means painting in which everything is strange: strange in its trade, in its representation, strange to any purpose, figurative or non-figurative.
These paintings could be called research processes, investigations into a certain nascent energy: microscopic plates referring to a biology of colour in activity.
He calls two of his paintings “Integration” and “Disintegration”; the name suits all of them. In all of them there is, of course, something that disperses or concentrates; but there is more: there is stage and action or, better, space and acting forces.
It is like a will to be that crosses blindly through blind universes, that contracts or expands, showing its crystals, its vessels, perhaps its soul, perhaps everything that makes up existence except form.
Leaving the outcome of these germinations to the painter, it is certain that his canvases are unique, different from all others and offer a spectacle that is alien to all frivolity.
Newspaper “YA” Madrid.